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A session cookie that enables the use of our shop system and its basket functionality.
Klinger&Born GmbH
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Cookies for Statistics
Statistic cookies anonymize your data and use it. These information will help us to learn, how the users are using our website.
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Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics in anonymized manner to analize and optimize the usability of our websites.
Cookies for Marketing
Marketing cookies from thrid parties will be used to show personal advertisment. They use them to track users outside of their own web page.
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Google Adwords (external Script)
External content that is used to optimize our Google Adwords marketing campaigns
Cookies for external Content
Content for Videoplatforms und Social Media Platforms will be disabled automaticly. To see content from external sources, you need to enable it in the cookie settings.
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Google Maps
External content from google that enables the map display function on our page
External Content to display YouTube Videos on our pages.